
My Bird!!!


This is my bird ” Spike” His nickname’s ” Spiky”



He can talk, believe it or not!

” Hello!” ” Hello, Spike!” ” Hello, Spiky-Spike” etc. He’s very healthy! He’s never even caught a cold!

However, he’s very idiosyncratic! Unbelievably, he shows emotion. He gets angry and can show his sad and lonely feeling. He also judges who he likes and dislikes. If he sees a person who he likes, he tries to talk to this person.

On the other hand, if he sees a person who he dislikes, he gives this person an unbearable sound!


  1. Niall より:

    I really like Spike-he’s very funny and a character. I try to talk to him sometimes but I think sometimes he’s telling me to go away! I’ve heard him say ‘Hello, Spike’ a couple of times and it’s made me jump as I’ve not been expecting it!

  2. Michael より:

    He also does an excellent impression of a microwave!

  3. Mina より:

    Michael, you’re right!
    He’s really good at imitating high pitched sounds.
    For example, the microwave oven as you said, and the sound of the telephone!


  4. Mina より:

    Niall, I can just picture the situation which you mentioned which made me laugh!!!


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