As you know, Neil and Niall are from England, which doesn’t really have earthquakes.
Actually, it has tiny tremors about once a decade, but they are usually so small that most people don’t even notice them.
However, Neil and Niall are bravely facing this very hard situation!!! I’m sure they are in a complicated frame of mind as their families in England are worried about their situations and are hearing a variety of scary foreign news. But they are working as usual and trying to make their students feel relaxed!
I really respect them! I really do my best for them! And all our staff are cooperating with each other!
Mina Pearson
みなさん、ご存知の通り、Neilと Niallはイギリス出身です。イギリスでは、ほとんど地震がありません。実際、小さい揺れが10年に1回ぐらいです。でも、感じられない位の揺れなので、たいていは、気づきません。でも、そのような国から来たNeilとNiallは勇敢にもこの大変な状況に立ち向かっています!絶対に彼らの心境は私達よりも複雑だと思います。彼らのイギリスの家族が心配していたり、海外の色々な怖いニュースも耳に入ってきたりするわけですから。
Mina Pearsonでした。