Hello, everyone☺️ミナです☺️
1、be able toの使い方(ステージ4以上の方)
Okay⤴️Let’s start☺️
I haven’t been able to see all of my students in the flesh because of the Coronavirus crisis.?
I’d like to see them in the flesh❗
But it all depends on how you look at it, doesn’t it❓So, can you guess what I’ve been enjoying now❓The answer is I’ve been enjoying cooking smelly vegetables like Chinese chives, row garlic, row new onions, ginger, some root vegetables and so on‼️Because I can’t see my students in the flesh. I can be smelly which I normally can’t???
I’ve been enjoying eating them???
I believe that the food I mentioned above strengthens my immune system which makes me happy, too?
Let’s try to find something you can do now and enjoy your own time, shall we❓
I hope my mini English lessons which I’ve been posting here are instructive for you and help to improve your English skill☺️
?all of my students-私の全ての生徒さん
?in the flesh-面と向かって
?because of-~のため
?it all depends on how you look at it-物は考えよう
?Chinese chives-ニラ
?new onions-新玉ねぎ
?root vegetables-根菜
?immune system-免疫システム
㈱The English Village
Tel: 03-3624-3300
E-mail: englishvillage@msg.biglobe.ne.jp
URL: http://www.englishvillage.gr.jp
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