
ミニ英会話レッスン♪ 042720

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Hello, everyone☺️ミナです✨



Okay, let’s start⤴️⤴️

How have you been spending your time and how have you been keeping your good vibe in this frustrating situation❓

As for me, I’ve been trying to see some beautiful colourful things☺️Such as decorating some flowers, wearing a colourful belt and painting my nails??
Although I’ve got some nail polish, I hardly ever use it on my finger nails✨?✨
I normally use it on my toe nails?
But, I started to paint my finger nails a couple of weeks ago and it has put me in good mood???

Why don’t you try something which makes you feel good☺️?

?good vibeー良い気分
?as for meー私に関しては
?such asー例えば
?paint 誰のnailsーマニキュアを塗る。お店とかでやる場合はget 誰のnails done
?nail polishーマニキュア
?hardly everーほとんどない
?toe nailsー足の指
?a couple of weeksー2、3週
?put me in good moodー私を気分良くさせる