
英会話ミニレッスン ?? 060120

A466C0F1-ACFC-48F8-8949-0FC7A94177E3Hello, everyone?It’s Mina?‍♂️



*ステージ3以上の方ーー今日の文章は他人が過去に言った事を強調したいのでほんとだったら間接話法(reported speech)を使うところを直接話法(direct speech)を使っているところ。





Let’s start‼️


Do you dream❓ If you do, do you dream in English or Japanese❓

In my case, I dream in English and Japanese. It all depends on who I’m talking to.

If I’m talking to a person in my dream who I talk to in English in reality, I talk to him or her in English.

On this subject, a funny thing happened when one of my friends was staying in my house overnight. She heard me talking in my sleep. She told me about it with a big smile?She said “You love teaching, don’t you❓ You were teaching some English pronunciation in your sleep in a clear voice so after you said ‘repeat after me’ I repeated it‼️Thank you, Mina? I could learn how to pronounce R.” ?I wonder if you’ve ever dreamt about our lessons?

⭐️in my case=私の場合は

⭐️it all depends on~=全ては~次第です

⭐️in reality=現実に

⭐️on this subject=この主題では


⭐️talk in my sleep=寝言を言う

⭐️with a big smile=笑いながら


⭐️how to=~の仕方

⭐️I wonder if you’ve ever=あなたは~した経験あるかしら

⭐️dreamt=夢見た *米語ではdreamed