

Hello, everybody!

I went to Izu with my mum last weekend.

I hadn’t been there for ages!

We stayed in a traditional Japanese inn which was fantastic!!!!

The view from our room was marvellous! I took a picture from the window which was superb  cos I’d never seen anything like it.

What’s more, the hot spring in the inn was very relaxing so I felt so sleepy all the time and I went to bed very early, which I normally don’t do, so it was really good for me!


  1. Noko より:

    Thank you very much for today’s lesson,Mina!ミラクル話でのレッスン楽しかった!このブログの中のI hadn’t been there for ages!やらWhat’s more, は本日のフレーズですね。しかと覚えます!母娘旅はいいもんですよね。お互い、できるときに親孝行をしておきましょうね。ではまた次回のレッスン宜しくです。

  2. Mina より:

    Thank you very very much for your comment, Noko!

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